In App Purchase | €2.99 PER MONTH
Need more profiles?

Multiple Profiles

If you have more than one profession, our solution is perfect for you. Easily switch profiles and share the most appropriate one for your meeting.


AI POWERED OCR Paper Card Scanner

The days of taking paper cards is well & truely over. With the help of TAPiTAG AI, You can scan any paper card & retreive the details instantly. Follow up and connect from TAPiTAG connections.

ios & android

Apple & Google Wallet

Save your TAPiTAG Qr code to your Apple or Google Wallet. Always be ready to connect with your phsycial card, phone tag or Wallet.

Change it up

Choose from 6 Profile Templates

Looking for a profile that best suits your vibe? Don't worry, we have you covered. Chose from 6 profiles that will make you connect in style.

Make it POP

Choose from 5 Profile Colours

Select either a minimalistic white or a Mysterious Black profile color. Pro offers an option tailored to you.

Who you TAPPING?

Built in Analytics

Get a full in depth overview of your TAPs & new connection analytics. A great tool to keep track of your TAPiTAG Networking efforts.


Simple! Buy a TAPiTAG Product, Download the App & subscribe to TAPiTAG PRO.

TAPiTAG PRO is €2.99 per month. You can cancel it at anytime.

Yes, you can cancel at anytime through the APP store.